Journeying to Your Outer Realms

Apr 24, 2024

We so often get caught up in the more or less meaningless, sometimes meaningful everyday happenings of life. We gaze at memories in the past, have worries and hopes for the future, and spend our days thinking about our jobs, love, family, our co-workers, food, finances, the news, gossip, our health, what we look like, what others think of us, we judge, we nag, we smile, we hustle, and we aren’t even aware of the wheel we’re running around in. 

Big life events might pull us out of this, or interactions with our own personal edge. For a moment we zoom out and we are allowed a new perspective. But these moments are rare and often pass us by like lightning flashing in the sky. 

So I invite you to go on a journey. A journey to your outer realms and beyond. Leave your world, your personal planet behind and point yourself towards the skies. Feel yourself lift off, take off, venturing into the unknown. Or maybe it is true knowing that guides you. A deep, old wisdom. Something that is there, waiting to be tapped into. 

Feel yourself letting go of your day-to-day. Your past and your future. It all gets smaller and smaller the further you travel. It becomes a blurry haze in the distance. What appears before you? What do you feel as you travel through space, towards the edge of your knowledge, your conscious awareness? What lies in the depths of your universe? 

Explore what is out there. What are you not allowing yourself to see? What are you not feeling? What have you buried? What are you looking for? Spend some time at the very outer rims of your realm(s). As you get comfortable and excited about this space, you might even look at what’s beyond. We are all pioneers of our own universe. No one has ever been where you are and no one will venture on the same path. How amazing is that?

If this seems far out to you, I still encourage you to try out this mind game. You don’t have to take it too seriously. Just see where this little experiment takes you. Give yourself freedom. Play. 

If you want support on your journey exploring yourself and exploring what lies beyond the wheel you are running around in, join us at Magic is the Key. We would love to go on this adventure with you. Sending love.


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