How To Be Calm And Trust Yourself

Jul 03, 2024

"I know what is right, but it feels like the world has a different idea about what I should be doing. This is stressful, and it makes it hard to trust myself."

Does this sound familiar to you? 

I remember many crossroads in my life where I was faced with a choice. I didn't always make the one I knew would be right in my heart. Out of fear, I would choose either an escape route or something genuinely wrong for me. I went against what I knew to be true because I did not trust myself. These choices always made life a lot harder than it needed to be. At the end of the line, repair work and healing were necessary on the long and winding path of life.

I also remember many times when I trusted myself and made the right choice. The result was always beautiful life lessons, ease, and confidence. Though the path was not always easy or simple, there was a radiant love for myself that grew out of trust in my own knowledge of what was right that marked every moment.

So, how do we become calm and trust in ourselves when we are faced with big decisions in life?

Here is one possible answer:


The key here is that there is often not one thing you can do that changes everything immediately and forever. The good news is we don't have to make time to learn this. To begin, it is enough to remember to be aware as we move through life.

Next time you make a difficult decision, be aware of whether you are calm in the moment and trust yourself.

From here, we can expand our awareness. This does not have to happen the first time. Life has a way of bringing us face-to-face with challenging decisions all the time!

With the awareness of whether or not you were calm and in a state of self-trust, take notice of how the decision feels once it is made and the overall result.

Over time, we can learn more about how we respond to big decisions. Understanding the difference in impact on our lives when we make a decision from a place of calm and self-trust vs. stress and distrust is a powerful first step.

What happens next?

Working with effective spiritual practices can be immensely helpful if you feel you could benefit from more calm and self-trust. This can be anything, from a breathwork practice to meditation, journaling, rituals, guided time in nature, or visualization. There are so many possibilities that there is something for all of us and all of life's situations.

Sometimes, we have little time, and a short meditation is all we can manage, but it can have profound effects on helping us feel calm and find trust in ourselves. This is especially true if we do even the shortest practice regularly.

Other times, we have more time, or we are hitting a breaking point where the most helpful spiritual practice is a deep dive that helps us connect to our essence.

Magic is the Key is a growing library of effective spiritual practices. With over 200 lessons, we offer everything from short meditations to extensive courses and long-form rituals. Wherever you are in life, whatever path you feel is right for you on your journey towards feeling calm and trusting yourself, we have something for you.

Sign up now for a free 7-day trial and discover how Magic is the Key can support your life.




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