Pipaluk's Story

free magic gratitude journal lifestyle pipaluk practice Jun 26, 2024

Death always haunted me. I remember lying awake at night, young and unaware of most of the world, terrified that my existence would be ended abruptly by World War III. This existential dread was my constant companion and made conventional life paths seem meaningless. Not in my wildest imagination would I ever become a lawyer, an employee at a company, or a stage designer. I was not strong enough to live this truth then, so I still went to university. As I studied International Business, Animation, and Graphic Design, I felt a profound emptiness and was constantly in a state of unhealthy coping mechanisms or doing my best to seek something more.

In childhood, the same place where my existential dread grew roots, my spiritual journey began. On an epic trip to New York City, the place of my birth, my parents took me into that big Barnes & Noble on Union Square. Somewhere among all the books for young adults, I found a thin, colourful copy of Spells for Teenage Witches. To my great joy and surprise, my mom bought it for me when I asked her to. Back in Germany, I tried the spells and was incredibly disappointed. None seemed to work, and I couldn’t feel what I thought I was supposed to. Yet I kept the book, which became an artefact that proved that there are people in this world to whom magic is real.

With my first pocket money, I began ordering books online. I always loved technology and being at home, which gave me the benefit of having the world of magical books at my fingertips in a town with no big bookstores. Silver Ravenwolf’s book for teenage witches found its way into my home, and I devoured it. I ordered my first tarot deck with high expectations. A German book on magic arrived as well. Yet, with all this real magic at my fingertips, disappointment remained. Wicca felt too organized with its god and goddess and structures and ways of doing things. The tarot deck was a grand disappointment because I hated the art. The German book was cute. That was all.

Yet the seed was sown. My love for fantasy books had always been fueled by their magic. What the books gave me was not an answer but the knowledge that magic is real. I just had to find my own expression. My yearning had found footing and was to set me out on an epic journey.

The world of books brought me my first teacher of magic. If finding out that magic is real was the first threshold I crossed on this journey, then experiencing the embodied knowledge of a magic practitioner was the second. It took a transmission from a person who knew from experience what they were teaching for me to experience a glimpse of what I was seeking. In our first lesson, we entered the liminal realm between the worlds in all the worlds. In the next couple of lessons, I discovered that extrasensory abilities are part of our human identity.

Recognition and understanding washed over me from a long-forgotten age, dripping into my being from a long-forgotten life. I completed a two-year course in Shamanic Witchcraft and joined a wild and young tradition whose stories and undogmatic, free approach were called to my heart. Soon, I found myself teaching. As I taught workshops and students one-on-one, my learning never ceased. I found teachers, travelled the world, explored, questioned, and, most importantly, practised what I learned.

A pivotal moment in my spiritual journey occurred in Denmark, where I learned from a Danish shamanic practitioner. There, I had several experiences of the undeniable reality of magic. It healed my inner narrative that spirituality and magic are not worth taking seriously and pursuing full-time. Even though that was what I had been doing, I was not at peace with it. Even with that pivotal moment, it would still take me years to feel utterly in harmony with the path I had chosen.

Another transformative moment was when a teacher and dear friend of mine, a wild woman who seems to live the beauty, the laughter, and the tears of mystery and magic at every moment, challenged me with a practice. She shared a vision of grounding into the all-pervasive nothingness. That empty space that is everywhere and between all things. It made a deep truth inside of me practical, and it is the title of a book that sums it up better than any words I could think of myself: The Unbearable Lightness of Being. How wonderful and funny that it does not have to be borne at all! It is unbearable for it is not to be carried! Hah!

Somewhere in all those magical years of discovery, my fear of death disappeared. My fear of self became lighter. And I felt myself beginning to shine. But the biggest challenge was yet to come.

The intensity of teaching groups and having almost 30 individual coaching clients and people I mentored became too much. COVID-19 was the great accelerator, bringing everything that was not quite right for me to the forefront. I needed a significant life reset. Taking a break from work coincided with escaping an abusive relationship. I stepped away from everything and drew on all the lessons I had learned to allow myself to feel empty and be okay with it. My spiritual practices were key during this time in giving me permission to be.

Two years of darkness became fertile ground for new growth. Seeds I had planted in the hidden dreams of my childhood took root, and slowly, I was able to embrace this path of alignment and purpose. Without any substances, except a cup of homemade cappuccino in the morning, I felt more alive and connected to the world and the cosmos than ever.

This is what has happened since:

I met the most wonderful partner.

I began putting the spiritual lessons from my lifetime into an online format.

Distance between my sister Serafina and I melted away when she helped me give birth to my first child, side by side with my partner and our incredible midwife.

In April 2023, Serafina and I sat in a notary’s office with our mother and my child. Together, we signed the papers that made the dream of Magic is the Key a reality.

A year later, Magic is the Key has become a vast library of effective spiritual practices. It meets the spiritual seeker's needs with humour and playfulness while offering a safe space for exploring the beauty of our existence. 

Magic is the Key is a place of growth where people recognize their inherent beauty and magic.

We currently have over 200 lessons that include guided practices, spiritual teachings, and courses. You will find breathwork, Kabbalah, Tarot, meditation, ceremonies and rituals, visualization, a journey to your essence, and more. New lessons are published every week.

You can also access live calls on every new and full moon when you join. 

Celebrate in the community, live with purpose and alignment with your truth, and find calm as you trust your intuition.

Enjoy guest lessons from Indigenous elders, international teachers, and award-winning authors.

The time for magic to fill your life is now.

When you are full of magic, the world around you becomes magical, and the world needs this.

Sending you love wherever you are!

The time to awaken your magic is now!

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