The Craziest Myth About Our Childhood Dreams

dreaming free magic happiness pipaluk practical magic spirituality Oct 09, 2024

Have you ever dreamed of flying through the skies on Pegasus? Or about having a dragon as a friend? What about stepping through a portal into a magical world with a glimmering pool of water within which you can catch glimpses of what will come to pass in the future?

We learn these dreams are fancies of childhood that serve no purpose but creating memories within an idyllic time that will not last. Family and culture demands we grow out of them to focus on the so-called real world and making our way towards being a successful human being.

Some of us may still read such fantasies in books, or see them in movies and series. A pull within reminds us of ignored longing and denied desires. It is not real. So we remind ourselves and shake it off as we turn our attention back to our responsibilities and life-goals.

But what if these fantasies were more than just that? What if they serve a very practical, real-life purpose and can help us grow as human beings and make the world a better place for all?

What we imagine shapes our thoughts. Our thoughts shape our words and our actions. What we think and do shapes our habits and behaviors, which in turn shapes our reality.

If we consider the essence of our childhood fantasies, we find a host of enriching and beneficial keys inside. Here are three keys that might make you reconsider spending time imagining your wildest dreams with the childlike knowing that they can and will come true.


1. Infinite Possibility

Do you know the saying, "Reach for the stars, and you'll land on the moon"? When we allow ourselves to dream big, beyond what we think is possible, we end up going further than we ever thought we would. Also, think about what the world would be like if all humans gave themselves permission to dream with full abandon about peace on Earth. It all starts in our imagination.


2. An Open Heart

To allow ourselves to dream and be open to the dreams of others has a sweet way of softening our hearts. In a world that knows as much war and strife as ours, few things are more radical and important than keeping our hearts soft and tender. By normalizing our own dreams, we can also be more accepting and tender towards the dreams of others, especially our children. It is the children in our lives that will shape the world to come.


3. They Can Come True!

The craziest myth about our fantastical childhood dreams is that they will never come true. Here's the thing: We can talk to dragons and fly amongst the stars. We can meet unicorns, fairies, and the spirit of the wind and forest. We can walk with our wisest ancestors and learn what gifts they have passed down to us—all this and more.

Real magic is not only wonderful. It is also practical and can help us confidently follow the path of our inner north star. Whenever we wonder what the next step is or how to find our way through the ups and downs of life, there is magic waiting at our fingertips.

Are you curious to learn real magic that is ancient and new, practical and useful, supportive and healing? Then you have come to the right place! Click HERE to find out more.


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