The Path Forward: A Fall Equinox Practice

fall free magic harmony pipaluk practical magic practice rituals seasonal magic seasons stars & seasons Sep 25, 2024

The pendulum always moves. The moment where it is perfectly balanced and at the center of its journey lasts but a moment. Then its path continues onward.

It takes but the tiniest leap of imagination to see our life on the path of the pendulum. We inhale, pause, exhale as we swing to the other end, and pause for a moment.

It is the same when we are born. We come into this world and for a moment all is paused before our first breath begins. Our life swings forward, momentum unfurls, and only when we take our last breath is there another pause.

Can you imagine how many of life's events, big and small, can be mapped onto the path of a pendulum?

What is so interesting, is that the tiniest breath, the smallest impact, can change the path. A perfect movement on a single line veers off course into a new direction. 

If we consider our life on the pendulum, then there are more factors than we can wrap our minds around that determine its path. Just a few of these factors are the people that raised us, the cultures that surround us, and events in our lives.

As we grow older and more conscious of these factors, we can begin to change them. Most of us inhabit patterns that don't feel authentic to our true being, and live a life, at least partially, that does not feel aligned to our truth.

When we put in the effort to change this and live authentically and aligned to our truth, the task can at first feel Sisyphean. Yet, over time, we come to realize that our efforts, which at first went unnoticed, changed the entire course of our lives. Magic allows us to tune into crossroads pregnant with the opportunity to bring about such change.

When we practice magic effectively, we begin by changing our consciousness to become aware of the full potential and meaning of a moment. In a state of changed consciousness, movements, visualizations, prayers, and divination can come together to bring about change that reaches all the way to our most subconscious parts. The sum of this can be called a ritual.

Note: More possible elements can be included in ritual, and the list is long! To learn more about effective rituals, sign up for a free trial with Magic is Key: School of Effective Spiritual Practices.

There are times throughout the year that harbor special magic, full of meaning and magic. Cosmic events impact our mind, body, and soul. They are a perfect time for effective rituals.

The fall equinox is a cosmic event. We can place it at the center of the path of the pendulum, with light and dark on either end. For one journey around the sun, day and night are at equal length. After this, the nights will lengthen, and we enter a time of introspection, decay, and holidays.



On the fall equinox, find 15 minutes of undisturbed time.

On a surface, place objects, images, and decorations that are meaningful to your life as it is now and orient your consciousness to magic. This could be a special rock, a candle, incense, photos, a gift you received, a certificate, and seasonal decorations. Let your feeling of what matters to you in the moment guide you. Place each item in a way that creates beauty.

This surface will be called your working altar.

Sit in a comfortable position before your working altar. Let your eyes move across each item. Feel into what each signifies to you. As you do, notice how your consciousness begins to move into a meditative state that is grounded in your life.

Close your eyes.

Feel the ground beneath you and the sky and stars above.

Let the balance of light and dark fill your being.

Where else can you sense balance in this moment? Consider the following:

  • Inhale and exhale
  • Relaxation and tension
  • Rest and activitity

This moment will not last. The stars and sun, the earth and the moon, and you must keep moving, for that is the way of life.

Before movement returns, consider your path forward. From this moment of balance, there is the opportunity to choose.

Is there a way of living that you long for?

Is there something that needs to fall away and decay, like the leaves of the trees in autumn?

Is there something that needs to heal?

For a moment, visualize yourself stepping forward on the path of your choosing.

Your journey begins now.

Open your eyes.

Consider writing down the path forward in your journal.



If you enjoy guided rituals and want to learn effective spiritual practices that you can apply to your life with ease and grace, then sign up for a FREE TRIAL with Magic is Key: School of Effective Spiritual Practices.

Take a look at our events page for free live rituals.


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