Get What You Desire

What if you knew a way to get what you truly desire? Join our course and find out! 

Get the course for just €29!

Following Your True Desire Is Benefitial Not Just For You, But For All Around You

Find out why and the magic & occult secrets behind why this works inside the course!

Course Overview


  • Introduction
  • Course Overview
  • The Secret Magic Inside This Course

Get To The Core of What You Want

  • What if I don't know what I desire?
  • Practice: Investigating Desire
  • Meditation: What do I want?
  • Clearing Doubts

3 1/2 Steps to the Full Practice

  • Visualization
  • Moving Through Time in Consciousness
  • Recognizing Resistance
  • Working with Resistance

Full Guided Practice

  • Full Guided Practice

Final Wisdom

  • Integration: Taking (non) Action
  • Next Steps

Meet Your Teacher

From jungles in Mexico to the urban landscapes of San Francisco, Pipaluk has spent more than a decade studying and practicing spiritual disciplines, occult mysteries, and magic. In her successful private coaching practice she discovered just how effectively this work can change lives in a positive way.

The Inner Work of Desire is a culmination of some of the most effective practices she has worked with over the years. Working towards what we most desire, when manifested from a place of alignment with yourself and the world, is of benefit not just to yourself, but everyone.

Start living the magic and change your life today!


Ready for it?


Joining will get you the following:

-> The Full Inner Work of Desire Course, including:

  • An introduction explaining why this work is so important
  • How to find out what you truly desire and how to work with doubts
  • Preparatory practices that will support you in the full guided meditation and that you can integrate into daily life
  • The 25 minute full guided practice
  • How to integrate the work and what next steps you can take

-> Ongoing support to keep you on track. As a member you get one weekly e-mail and at least two live calls every month. You can also ask questions at any time. 

-> Full access to the Magic is the Key Membership. Read on to learn about everything that it includes. It's considered a treasure trove of magic, that we would love for you to explore.

-> Inside Magic is the Key you will get access to 10 bonus lessons on Kabbalah and Tarot, a library of breathwork practices to support your journey, and so much more! Keep reading to find out.

 Start Living Your Desire:

Start the Work of Living Your Greatest Desire!

Includes 2 months of full access to the Magic is the Key Membership.

1 payment of 



Buy Now!

BIG BONUS: Two months of full access to the Magic is the Key Membership!

Here's a summary of everything that's inside:

  • The Full Inner Work of Desire Course. Learn what you truly desire and how to face and overcome all the inner obstacles that keep you from living your desired life. Attaining our truest desire, more often than not, benefits not just us but also the entire world. 
  • Full access to Book of Tarot, including over 6 hours of material.
  • Guest lessons offering wisdom and teachings from native wisdom keepers, award-winning authors, and international teachers.
  • An introduction to the universal wisdom of Kabbalah and the Tree of Life
  • Journey to Your Essence, 3.5 hour deep dive course. 
  • Mysteries of the Wild Nights full course. Discover an ancient tradition from the German speaking Alps to transition with grace and intention from one year into the next. Learn the secret behind the 13 wishes and join in a live Winter Solstice ritual. 
  • Wheel of Time Visualization Special: The Void, the Flame, and the Rose. 
  • The Art of Candle Visualization.  
  • Elemental Relationships. An in depth course to help you connect to the powers of Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Spirit. Includes six guided ceremonies.  
  • 11 Breathwork practices with guidance in video, audio and text format  
  • 13 Journaling practices, including prompts, meditations, and an in depth look at tools and mindset. 
  • Align, a full course on an alignment practice that includes detailed inner and outer cosmology for a holistic experience. 
  • The Wheel of the Year. Access to up to 8 new rituals every year celebrating the movement of our planet through the cosmos. 
  • Members only live calls every month. Join in live full/new moon rituals, receive ongoing support and community connection. 
  • New practices / courses added every week. (Total value increases every week!)



By signing up to this course you are beginning a life changing journey of discovering your greatest desire and doing the inner work so you can actually live it.



You also get two months of full access to the Magic is the Key membership, usually prices at €349,- annually.

Amazing, I'm signing up!


Who is this for?


 - You want a spiritual practice that is not just for the moment, but for your life.

- You already have a spiritual practice and want to go deeper in a way that flows with your life and leaves plenty of space for you to creatively adapt it to meet your ongoing changing needs.

- You want to trust yourself, your intuition and feel at peace. You know that today can always be a little bit better than yesterday.

- You want to know how to apply your spiritual practices to your daily life in a way that is effective and has a positive impact.

- You have a deep desire to study all the magical arts and integrate them seamlessly into your life.

- You care deeply about the world and the cosmos you live in and want to be a source of goodness.


Frequently Asked Questions

Ready to join?


What are you waiting for?

This as an investment in your life. The Inner Work of Desire course and two months of full access to our membership can have a massive positive impact on all areas of your life.

It is almost as if you were hiring Serafina and Pipaluk personally to support you in building your spiritual foundation for your lifetime. Whatever you put in, you will get back at least threefold in the form of the incredible beauty, wonder and magic that will unfold in your life.

Sign up Today!


100% money back guarantee if you sign up for the membership, complete three courses and decide this is not for you. Just send us an e-mail within 14 days of your payment and we will help you. This means you can sign up completely risk free.